Hi! My name is Talita O'Brien.
I am a fourth year studying Communication Design at the University of Cincinnati's College of Design, Architecture, Art, and Planning. Within the realm of design, I have been specifically interested in developing brand stories and how a visual identity can be applied to packaging and displays. I also have an interest in UX/UI design and how interfaces shape a user's experience with a product or service.
Outside of design, I am either curating hyper-specific Spotify playlists, watching Formula 1 on the weekends, or planning future hopeful trips to various corners of the world.
This fall semester, I am studying abroad at the University of Arts, London to learn about Design Management. Email is the best way to contact me, and I will do my best to respond promptly while in a different time zone.
obrientg@mail.uc.edu | (513) 628-1133